<SPAN name="To_Wilfred_Clayborn"></SPAN>
<h2>To Wilfred Clayborn</h2>
<p class="c3">Concerning His Education and His Profession<br/>
<p>My Dear Nephew:—I have considered your request from all sides,
and have resolved to disappoint you. This seems to me the kindest
thing I can do under the circumstances.
<p>You have gone through two years of college life, and I am sure
you are not an ignoramus. Most of the great men of the world's
history have enjoyed no fuller educational advantages. To lend you
money to finish the college course, would be to help you to start
life at the age of twenty-two under the burden of debt. If you are
determined to finish a college course, and feel that only by so
doing will you equip yourself for the duties of life, I would
advise you to drop out for a year and teach, or go into any kind of
work which will enable you to earn enough to proceed with your
studies. However hard and however disappointing this advice seems
to you, I know it suggests a course which will do more for your
character than all the money I could lend you.
<p>Aside from the fact that you would begin life with a debt, is
the possibility of your contracting the debt habit.
<p>One man in a thousand who borrows money to help himself along in
early life is benefited by it.
<p>The other 999 are harmed.
<p>To do anything on another's money is to lean on the shoulder of
another instead of walking upright. It is not good calisthenic
<p>A few years ago I would have acceded to your request.
<p>But each year I live I realize more and more that lending money
is the last method to be used in helping people to better
themselves. In almost every case where I have lent money, I have
lived to regret it. Not because I lost my money (which has usually
been the fact), but because I lost respect for my friends.
<p>I remember the case of a young newspaper man and author, who
came to me for the loan of five dollars. I had never seen him
before, but I knew his brother, a brilliant playwright, in a social
<p>The young man told me he had met with a series of disasters on
the voyage to New York, and was stranded there absolutely
penniless, although money would come at almost any hour from his
<p>Besides this, he showed me letters from editors who had taken
work which would be paid for on publication.
<p>"I do not know any one here," the young man said, "and to-day,
when I used my last twenty-five cents, I thought of you in
<p>"Your acquaintance with my brother would serve as an
introduction, I felt, and I was confident you would realize my
straits when I told you my errand."
<p>Of course I lent the young man five dollars. "I am sure it must
be a great humiliation for you to ask for this," I said, "and I am
certain you will repay it, though many former experiences have made
me question the memory of friends and strangers to whom I have been
of similar assistance."
<p>One week later the young man called to tell me he had not been
able to do more than keep himself sustained at lunch-counters since
he called, but hoped soon to obtain a position on a daily
<p>That was ten years ago. The young man sat in an orchestra chair
the other night at the theatre directly in front of me, and his
attire was faultlessly up to date. From the costume of his
companion, I should judge their carriage waited outside.
<p>The young man did not seem to recognize me, and no doubt the
incident I mention has escaped his memory.
<p>In all probability I was but one of a score of people who helped
him with small loans. Had the young man had been forced to appeal
to the society organized in every city for aiding the deserving
poor, by being sent disappointed from my door, the ordeal would
have so hurt his pride, that he might not have become the
professional borrower he undoubtedly is.
<p>I could relate innumerable cases of a similar nature. One man,
who was a fashionable teacher of French among the millionaires of
New York for several seasons, appealed to me at a time of year when
all his patrons were out of the city for a loan to enable him to
give his wife medical treatment.
<p>He was to repay it in the autumn. Instead, he came to me then
with a much more distressing story of immediate need and seeming
proof of money coming to him in a few months. To my chagrin, the
loan I advanced was employed in giving a feast to friends at his
daughter's wedding, after which he obliterated himself from my
<p>Financial aid lent a woman who soon afterward circled Europe,
brought no reimbursement. Her handsomely engraved card, with the
"Russell Square Hotel, London," as address, reached me instead of
the interest money which perhaps paid the engraver.
<p>Money lent a young man to start a small business, was used for
his wedding expenses, and an interval of five years brings no word
from him. Poor and despicable beings indeed, become the victims of
the borrowing habit. It is the shattered faith in humanity, and the
heart hurts that I regret, rather than the loss of what can be
replaced. I tell you these incidents that you may realize how I
have come to regard money-lending, as a species of unkindness to a
friend or relative.
<p>It is only one step removed from giving a sick or overtaxed man
or woman a morphine powder.
<p>Sleep and rest ensue, but ten to one the habit is formed for
<p>The happy experiences of my life in money-lending, have been two
instances where I offered loans which were not asked, and which
proved to be bridges over the chasm of temporary misfortune, to the
success awaiting a worthy woman and man. The really deserving
rarely ask for loans.
<p>I can imagine with what pleasure you would take a cheque from
this letter, for the amount which would carry you through college.
<p>Yet when you had finished your course, you would find so many
things you wanted to do, and must do, the debt would become too
heavy to lift, save by borrowing from some one else.
<p>If not that, then you would impose upon the fact of our
relationship, and on your belief that I had plenty of means without
the amount you owed me: and so you would join the great army of
good-for-nothings in the world.
<p>There is one thing you must always remember:
<p>No matter how close the blood tie between two beings, even
twins, each soul comes into the world alone, and with a separate
life destiny to work out.
<p>If I have worked out my destiny to financial independence, that
does not entitle you to a share of it. If it seems best for me to
aid you, it is not because a blood tie makes it a duty. I grow to
believe there is a sort of curse on money which is not earned, even
when it is bestowed by father, on son or daughter.
<p>It cripples individual development. Only when money is earned is
it blest.
<p>Regarding your future profession, I cannot agree with your idea
that because you feel no particular love for any one calling, and
have a halfway tendency toward several, that you will never be a
success. Great geniuses are often consumed with a passion for some
one line of study or employment, but there have been many great men
who did not know what they were fitted to do until accident or
necessity gave them an opportunity.
<p>Success means simply concentration and perseverance.
<p>Whether you decide to be a mechanic, a lawyer, a doctor, or a
merchant, the one thing to do is to fix all your mental powers upon
the goal you select, and then call all the forces from within and
from without, to aid you to reach it.
<p>It would, of course, be folly for you to select a profession
which requires special talent. No matter how you might concentrate
and apply yourself, you could never be a great poet, a great
artist, or a great musician.
<p>You have not the creative genius.
<p>But law, medicine, mechanics, or mercantile matters, with your
good brain and fair education, you could conquer.
<p>You say you vacillate from one to another, like the wind which
goes to the four points of the compass in twenty-four hours.
<p>But you are very young, and this should not discourage you.
<p>It would be well to think the four vocations over quietly, when
alone, and sit down by yourself early in the morning asking for
guidance. Then, when you feel you have made a decision, let nothing
turn you from it.
<p>Direct all your studies and thoughts to further that decision.
<p>Think of yourself as achieving the very highest success in your
chosen field, and work for that end.
<p>You cannot fail.
<p>If you desire light from without upon the best path to pursue, I
would advise you to find a good phrenologist, and have a careful
reading made of your head. Its formation and the development of its
organs would indicate in what direction lay your greatest strength,
and where you needed to be especially watchful.
<p>But remember if your phrenologist tells you that you have a weak
will, it does not mean that you must necessarily <i>always</i> have
a weak will. It means that you are to strengthen it, by
concentration. There is a great truth underlying phrenology,
palmistry, and astrology; but it is ridiculous to accept their
verdicts as final and unchangeable, and it is unwise to ignore the
good they may do, rightly applied and understood.
<p>I recall the fact that you were born in early June. I know
enough about the influence of the planets upon a child born at that
period to assert that you are particularly inclined to a Gemini
nature—the twin nature, which wants to do two things at one time.
You want to stay in and go out, to read a book and play tennis, to
swim and sit on the sand. Later in life, you will want to remain
single and marry, and travel and remain at home, unless you begin
<i>now</i> to select one course of the two which are for ever
presenting themselves to you, in small and large matters.
<p>Whenever you feel yourself vacillating between two impulses,
take yourself at once in hand, decide upon the preferable course,
and go ahead. Dominate your astrological tendencies, do not be
dominated by them. Dominate your weaknesses as exhibited by your
phrenological chart, and build up the brain cells which need
strengthening, and lessen the power of the undesirable qualities by
giving them no food or indulgence.
<p>It is a great thing to understand yourself as you are, and then
to go ahead and make yourself what you desire to be.
<p>When a carpenter starts to build a house, he knows just what
tools and what materials to work with are his. If there is a broken
implement, he replaces it with another, and if he is short of
material he supplies it. But young men set forth to make futures
and fortunes, with no knowledge of their own equipment.
<p>They do not know their own strongest or weakest traits, and are
unprepared for the temptations and obstacles that await them.
<p>I would advise you to call in the aid of all the occult
sciences, to help you in forming an estimate of your own higher and
lower tendencies, and in deciding for what line of occupation you
were best fitted. Then, after you have compared the statistics so
gathered with your own idea of yourself, you should proceed to make
your character what you wish it to be.
<p>This work will be ten thousand times more profitable to you than
a mere routine of college studies, gained by running in debt.
<p>To know yourself is far better knowledge than to know Virgil.
And to make yourself is a million times better than to have any one
else make you.
</p><hr class="c2">
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