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<h2><span>Chapter XVII. Of The Distribution Of The Precious Metals Through The Commercial World.</span></h2>
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<h3><span>§ 1. The substitution of money for barter makes no difference in exports and imports, nor in the Law of international Values.</span></h3>
Having now examined the mechanism by which the
commercial transactions between nations are actually conducted,
we have next to inquire whether this mode of conducting
them makes any difference in the conclusions respecting international
values, which we previously arrived at on the
hypothesis of barter.</p>
The nearest analogy would lead us to presume the negative.
We did not find that the intervention of money and
its substitutes made any difference in the law of value as applied
to adjacent places. Things which would have been
equal in value if the mode of exchange had been by barter
are worth equal sums of money. The introduction of money
is a mere addition of one more commodity, of which the value
is regulated by the same laws as that of all other commodities.
We shall not be surprised, therefore, if we find that international
values also are determined by the same causes under a
money and bill system as they would be under a system of
barter, and that money has little to do in the matter, except
to furnish a convenient mode of comparing values.</p>
All interchange is, in substance and effect, barter; whoever
sells commodities for money, and with that money buys
other goods, really buys those goods with his own commodities.
And so of nations: their trade is a mere exchange of
exports for imports; and, whether money is employed or not,
things are only in their permanent state when the exports
and imports exactly pay for each other. When this is the
case, equal sums of money are due from each country to the
other, the debts are settled by bills, and there is no balance
to be paid in the precious metals. The trade is in a state
like that which is called in mechanics a condition of stable
But the process by which things are brought back to this
state when they happen to deviate from it is, at least outwardly,
not the same in a barter system and in a money system.
Under the first, the country which wants more imports
than its exports will pay for must offer its exports at
a cheaper rate, as the sole means of creating a demand for
them sufficient to re-establish the equilibrium. When money
is used, the country seems to do a thing totally different.
She takes the additional imports at the same price as before,
and, as she exports no equivalent, the balance of payments
turns against her; the exchange becomes unfavorable, and
the difference has to be paid in money. This is, in appearance,
a very distinct operation from the former. Let us see
if it differs in its essence, or only in its mechanism.</p>
Let the country which has the balance to pay be the
United States,<SPAN id="noteref_276" name="noteref_276" href="#note_276"><span class="tei tei-noteref"><span style="font-size: 60%; vertical-align: super">276</span></span></SPAN> and the country which receives it, England.
By this transmission of the precious metals, the quantity of
the currency is diminished in the United States, and increased
in England. This I am at liberty to assume. We are now
supposing that there is an excess of imports over exports,
arising from the fact that the equation of international demand
is not yet established: that there is at the ordinary
prices a permanent demand in the United States for more
English goods than the American goods required in England
at the ordinary prices will pay for. When this is the case,
if a change were not made in the prices, there would be a
perpetually renewed balance to be paid in money. The imports
require to be permanently diminished, or the exports
to be increased, which can only be accomplished through
prices; and hence, even if the balances are at first paid from
hoards, or by the exportation of bullion, they will reach the
circulation at last, for, until they do, nothing can stop the
When, therefore, the state of prices is such that the equation
of international demand can not establish itself, the
country requiring more imports than can be paid for by the
exports, it is a sign that the country has more of the precious
metals, or their substitutes, in circulation, than can permanently
circulate, and must necessarily part with some of them
before the balance can be restored. The currency is accordingly
contracted: prices fall, and, among the rest, the prices
of exportable articles; for which, accordingly, there arises,
in foreign countries, a greater demand: while imported commodities
have possibly risen in price, from the influx of
money into foreign countries, and at all events have not participated
in the general fall. But, until the increased cheapness
of American goods induces foreign countries to take a
greater pecuniary value, or until the increased dearness (positive
or comparative) of foreign goods makes the United
States take a less pecuniary value, the exports of the United
States will be no nearer to paying for the imports than before,
and the stream of the precious metals which had begun
to flow out of the United States will still flow on. This
efflux will continue until the fall of prices in the United
States brings within reach of the foreign market some commodity
which the United States did not previously send
thither; or, until the reduced price of the things which she
did send has forced a demand abroad for a sufficient quantity
to pay for the imports, aided perhaps by a reduction of
the American demand for foreign goods, through their enhanced
price, either positive or comparative.</p>
Now, this is the very process which took place on our
original supposition of barter. Not only, therefore, does the
trade between nations tend to the same equilibrium between
exports and imports, whether money is employed or not, but
the means by which this equilibrium is established are essentially
the same. The country whose exports are not sufficient
to pay for her imports offers them on cheaper terms, until
she succeeds in forcing the necessary demand: in other
words, the equation of international demand, under a money
system as well as under a barter system, is the law of international
trade. Every country exports and imports the very
same things, and in the very same quantity, under the one
system as under the other. In a barter system, the trade
gravitates to the point at which the sum of the imports exactly
exchanges for the sum of the exports: in a money system,
it gravitates to the point at which the sum of the imports
and the sum of the exports exchange for the same
quantity of money. And, since things which are equal to the
same thing are equal to one another, the exports and imports
which are equal in money price would, if money were not
used, precisely exchange for one another.<SPAN id="noteref_277" name="noteref_277" href="#note_277"><span class="tei tei-noteref"><span style="font-size: 60%; vertical-align: super">277</span></span></SPAN></p>
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<h3><span>§ 2. The preceding Theorem further illustrated.</span></h3>
Let us proceed to [examine] to what extent the benefit
of an improvement in the production of an exportable
article is participated in by the countries importing it.</p>
The improvement may either consist in the cheapening
of some article which was already a staple production of the
country, or in the establishment of some new branch of industry,
or of some process rendering an article exportable
which had not till then been exported at all. It will be
convenient to begin with the case of a new export, as being
somewhat the simpler of the two.</p>
The first effect is that the article falls in price, and a
demand arises for it abroad. This new exportation disturbs
the balance, turns the exchanges, money flows into the country
(which we shall suppose to be the United States), and
continues to flow until prices rise. This higher range of
prices will somewhat check the demand in foreign countries
for the new article of export; and will diminish the demand
which existed abroad for the other things which the United
States was in the habit of exporting. The exports will thus
be diminished; while at the same time the American public,
having more money, will have a greater power of purchasing
foreign commodities. If they make use of this increased
power of purchase, there will be an increase of imports;
and by this, and the check to exportation, the equilibrium
of imports and exports will be restored. The result to foreign
countries will be, that they have to pay dearer than before
for their other imports, and obtain the new commodity
cheaper than before, but not so much cheaper as the United
States herself does. I say this, being well aware that the
article would be actually at the very same price (cost of carriage
excepted) in the United States and in other countries.
The cheapness, however, of the article is not measured solely
by the money-price, but by that price compared with the
money-incomes of the consumers. The price is the same to
the American and to the foreign consumers; but the former
pay that price from money-incomes which have been increased
by the new distribution of the precious metals;
while the latter have had their money-incomes probably diminished
by the same cause. The trade, therefore, has not
imparted to the foreign consumer the whole, but only a portion,
of the benefit which the American consumer has derived
from the improvement; while the United States has
also benefited in the prices of foreign commodities. Thus,
then, any industrial improvement which leads to the opening
of a new branch of export trade benefits a country not
only by the cheapness of the article in which the improvement
has taken place, but by a general cheapening of all imported
Let us now change the hypothesis, and suppose that the
improvement, instead of creating a new export from the
United States, cheapens an existing one. Let the commodity
in which there is an improvement be [cotton] cloth. The
first effect of the improvement is that its price falls, and
there is an increased demand for it in the foreign market.
But this demand is of uncertain amount. Suppose the foreign
consumers to increase their purchases in the exact ratio
of the cheapness, or, in other words, to lay out in cloth the
same sum of money as before; the same aggregate payment
as before will be due from foreign countries to the United
States; the equilibrium of exports and imports will remain
undisturbed, and foreigners will obtain the full advantage of
the increased cheapness of cloth. But if the foreign demand
for cloth is of such a character as to increase in a greater
ratio than the cheapness, a larger sum than formerly will be
due to the United States for cloth, and when paid will raise
American prices, the price of cloth included; this rise, however,
will affect only the foreign purchaser, American incomes
being raised in a corresponding proportion; and the
foreign consumer will thus derive a less advantage than the
United States from the improvement. If, on the contrary,
the cheapening of cloth does not extend the foreign demand
for it in a proportional degree, a less sum of debts than before
will be due to the United States for cloth, while there
will be the usual sum of debts due from the United States
to foreign countries; the balance of trade will turn against
the United States, money will be exported, prices (that of
cloth included) will fall, and cloth will eventually be cheapened
to the foreign purchaser in a still greater ratio than the
improvement has cheapened it to the United States. These
are the very conclusions which [would be] deduced on the
hypothesis of barter.<SPAN id="noteref_278" name="noteref_278" href="#note_278"><span class="tei tei-noteref"><span style="font-size: 60%; vertical-align: super">278</span></span></SPAN></p>
The result of the preceding discussion can not be better
summed up than in the words of Ricardo.<SPAN id="noteref_279" name="noteref_279" href="#note_279"><span class="tei tei-noteref"><span style="font-size: 60%; vertical-align: super">279</span></span></SPAN> <span class="tei tei-q">“Gold and silver
having been chosen for the general medium of circulation,
they are, by the competition of commerce, distributed
in such proportions among the different countries of the
world as to accommodate themselves to the natural traffic
which would take place if no such metals existed, and the
trade between countries were purely a trade of barter.”</span> Of
this principle, so fertile in consequences, previous to which
the theory of foreign trade was an unintelligible chaos, Mr.
Ricardo, though he did not pursue it into its ramifications,
was the real originator.</p>
<span style="font-size: 90%">
On the principles of trade which we have before explained,
the same rule will apply to the distribution of money in different
parts of the same country, especially of a large country
with various kinds of production, like the United States. The
medium of exchange will, by the competition of commerce, be
distributed in such proportions among the different parts of the
United States, by natural laws, as to accommodate itself to the
number of transactions which would take place if no such medium
existed. For this reason, we find more money in the so-called
great financial centers, because there are more exchanges
of goods there. In sparsely settled parts of the West there
will be less money precisely because there are fewer transactions
than in the older and more settled districts. So that there
could be no worse folly than the following legislation of Congress
to distribute the national-bank circulation: </span><span class="tei tei-q"><span style="font-size: 90%">“</span><span style="font-size: 90%">That $150,000,000
of the entire amount of circulating notes authorized to
be issued shall be apportioned to associations in the States, in
the District of Columbia, and in the Territories, </span><em class="tei tei-emph"><span style="font-size: 90%; font-style: italic">according to
representative population</span></em><span style="font-size: 90%">”</span></span><span style="font-size: 90%"> (act of March 3, 1865).
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<h3><span>§ 3. The precious metals, as money, are of the same Value, and distribute themselves according to the same Law, with the precious metals as a Commodity.</span></h3>
It is now necessary to inquire in what manner this
law of the distribution of the precious metals by means of
the exchanges affects the exchange value of money itself;
and how it tallies with the law by which we found that the
value of money is regulated when imported as a mere article
of merchandise.</p>
The causes which bring money into or carry it out of a
country (1) through the exchanges, to restore the equilibrium
of trade, and which thereby raise its value in some countries
and lower it in others, are the very same causes on which
the local value of money would depend, if it were never imported
except (2) as a merchandise, and never except directly
from the mines. When the value of money in a country is
permanently lowered (1) [as a medium of exchange] by an
influx of it through the balance of trade, the cause, if it is
not diminished cost of production, must be one of those
causes which compel a new adjustment, more favorable to the
country, of the equation of international demand—namely,
either an increased demand abroad for her commodities, or
a diminished demand on her part for those of foreign countries.
Now, an increased foreign demand for the commodities
of a country, or a diminished demand in the country for
imported commodities, are the very causes which, on the
general principles of trade, enable a country to purchase all
imports, and consequently (2) the precious metals, at a lower
value. There is, therefore, no contradiction, but the most
perfect accordance, in the results of the two different modes
[(1) as a medium of exchange; and (2) as merchandise] in
which the precious metals may be obtained. When money
[as a medium of exchange] flows from country to country
in consequence of changes in the international demand for
commodities, and by so doing alters its own local value, it
merely realizes, by a more rapid process, the effect which
would otherwise take place more slowly by an alteration in
the relative breadth of the streams by which the precious
metals [as merchandise] flow into different regions of the
earth from the mining countries. As, therefore, we before
saw that the use of money as a medium of exchange does
not in the least alter the law on which the values of other
things, either in the same country or internationally, depend,
so neither does it alter the law of the value of the precious
metals itself; and there is in the whole doctrine of international
values, as now laid down, a unity and harmony which
are a strong collateral presumption of truth.</p>
<SPAN name="toc223" id="toc223"></SPAN>
<h3><span>§ 4. International payments entering into the </span><span class="tei tei-q" style="text-align: left"><span style="font-size: 120%">“</span><span style="font-size: 120%">financial account.</span><span style="font-size: 120%">”</span></span></h3>
Before closing this discussion, it is fitting to point
out in what manner and degree the preceding conclusions are
affected by the existence of international payments not originating
in commerce, and for which no equivalent in either
money or commodities is expected or received—such as a
tribute, or remittances, or interest to foreign creditors, or a
government expenditure abroad.</p>
To begin with the case of barter. The supposed annual
remittances being made in commodities, and being exports
for which there is to be no return, it is no longer requisite
that the imports and exports should pay for one another; on
the contrary, there must be an annual excess of exports over
imports, equal to the value of the remittance. If, before
the country became liable to the annual payment, foreign
commerce was in its natural state of equilibrium, it will now
be necessary, for the purpose of effecting the remittances,
that foreign countries should be induced to take a greater
quantity of exports than before, which can only be done by
offering those exports on cheaper terms, or, in other words,
by paying dearer for foreign commodities. The international
values will so adjust themselves that, either by greater exports
or smaller imports, or both, the requisite excess on the
side of exports will be brought about, and this excess will
become the permanent state. The result is, that a country
which makes regular payments to foreign countries, besides
losing what it pays, loses also something more, by the less
advantageous terms on which it is forced to exchange its
productions for foreign commodities.</p>
The same results follow on the supposition of money.
Commerce being supposed to be in a state of equilibrium
when the obligatory remittances begin, the first remittance
is necessarily made in money. This lowers prices in the
remitting country, and raises them in the receiving. The
natural effect is, that more commodities are exported than
before, and fewer imported, and that, on the score of commerce
alone, a balance of money will be constantly due from
the receiving to the paying country. When the debt thus
annually due to the tributary country becomes equal to the
annual tribute or other regular payment due from it, no further
transmission of money takes place; the equilibrium of
exports and imports will no longer exist, but that of payments
will; the exchange will be at par, the two debts will
be set off against one another, and the tribute or remittance
will be virtually paid in goods. The result to the interests of
the two countries will be as already pointed out—the paying
country will give a higher price for all that it buys from the
receiving country, while the latter, besides receiving the
tribute, obtains the exportable produce of the tributary
country at a lower price.</p>
<span style="font-size: 90%">
It has been seen, as in Chart </span><SPAN href="#Chart_XIII" class="tei tei-ref"><span style="font-size: 90%">No. XIII</span></SPAN><span style="font-size: 90%">, that, considering
the exports and imports merely as merchandise, there is, in
fact, no actual equilibrium at any given time in accordance
with the equation of International Demand. Another element,
the </span><span class="tei tei-q"><span style="font-size: 90%">“</span><span style="font-size: 90%">financial account</span><span style="font-size: 90%">”</span></span><span style="font-size: 90%"> between the United States and foreign
countries, must be considered before we can know all the factors
necessary to bring about the equation. If we had been borrowing
largely of England, Holland, and Germany, we should
owe a regular annual sum as interest, and our exports must, as
a rule, be exactly that much more (under right and normal
conditions) than the imports. Or, take another case, if capital
is borrowed in Europe for railways in the United States, this
capital generally comes over in the form of imports of various
kinds; but, if our exports are not sufficient at once to balance
the increased imports, we go in debt for a time—or, in other
words, in order to establish the balance, we send United States
securities abroad instead of actual exports. This shipment of
securities is not seen and recorded as among the exports; and
so we find a period, like that during and after the war, from
1862 to 1873, of a vast excess of imports. Since 1873 the
country has been practically paying the indebtedness incurred
in the former period; and there has been a vast excess of exports
over imports, and an apparent discrepancy in the equilibrium.
But our government bonds and other securities have
been coming back to us, producing a return current to balance
the excessive exports.</span><SPAN id="noteref_280" name="noteref_280" href="#note_280"><span class="tei tei-noteref"><span style="font-size: 60%; vertical-align: super">280</span></span></SPAN><span style="font-size: 90%"> In brief, the use of securities and various
forms of indebtedness permits the period of actual payment
to be deferred, so that an excess of imports at one time may be
offset by an excess of exports at another, and generally a later,
time. Moreover, the large expenses of people traveling in
Europe will require us to remit abroad in the form of exports
more than would ordinarily balance our imports by the amount
spent by the travelers. The financial operations, therefore,
between the United States and foreign countries, must be well
considered in striking the equation between our exports and
imports. As formulated by Mr. Cairnes,</span><SPAN id="noteref_281" name="noteref_281" href="#note_281"><span class="tei tei-noteref"><span style="font-size: 60%; vertical-align: super">281</span></span></SPAN><span style="font-size: 90%"> the Equation of
International Demand should be stated more broadly, as follows:
</span><span class="tei tei-q"><span style="font-size: 90%">“</span><span style="font-size: 90%">The state of international demand which results in
commercial equilibrium is realized when the reciprocal demand
of trading countries produces such a relation of exports and
imports among them as enables each country by means of her
exports to discharge </span><em class="tei tei-emph"><span style="font-size: 90%; font-style: italic">all her foreign liabilities</span></em><span style="font-size: 90%">.</span><span style="font-size: 90%">”</span></span><span style="font-size: 90%"> If we were a
great lending instead of a great borrowing country, we should
have, as a rule, a permanent excess of imports.
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