<h2 class="point_title"><SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_4" title="4"></SPAN>The first Point.</h2>
<p class="first_paragraph">Concerning the first Point, I say,
that <em>Chocolate</em> is a name of the <em>Indians</em>;
which in our vulgar Castilian,
we may call a certaine <em>Confection</em>,
in which (among the Ingredients) the
principall <em>Basis</em>, and Foundation, is the
<em>Cacao</em>; of whose Nature and Quality
it is necessary first to treat: And therefore
I say, according to the common <ins class="errata" id="errata_3" title="Original reads: re-received">received</ins>
opinion, that it is cold, and dry,
<i >à prædominio</i>; that is to say, that though
it be true, that every Simple containes in
it the Qualities of the foure Elements, in
the action, and re-action, which it hath
in it, yet there results another distinct
quality, which we call Complexion.</p>
<p>This Quality or Complexion, which
ariseth of this Mixture, is not alwayes
one, and the same; neither hath it the
effect in all the mixtures, but they may
be varied nine wayes; four <em>Simple</em>, from
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_5" title="5"></SPAN><SPAN class="print_signature" id="signature_B3" title="B3"></SPAN>whence one onely quality doth abound;
and foure <em>Compounded</em>, from whence two
Symbolizing qualities are predominant;
and one other, which we call <i>ad
pondus</i>, which is of all these fore-said
qualities, which are in <i>æquilibrio</i>,
that is to say, in equall measure and degree.</p>
<p>Of all these the Complexion of <em>Cacao</em>
is composed, since there arise two qualities,
which are cold, and dry; and in the
substance, that rules them, hath it <em>restringent</em>
and <em>obstructive</em>, of the nature of the
Element of the <em>Earth</em>. And then, as it is
a Mixed, and not a simple Element, it
must needs have parts correspondent to
the rest of the Elements; and particularly,
it partakees (and that, not a little) of
those, which correspond with the Element
of Aire, that is, Heat and Moysture,
which are governed by the Unctious
parts; there being drawne out of the
<em>Cacao</em> much Butter, which, in the <em>Indies</em>
I have seene drawne out if it, for the
Face, by the <em>Criollas</em>.</p>
<p>It may Philosophically be objected, in
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_6" title="6"></SPAN>this manner: <span class="reverse_emphasis">Two contrary Qualities, and
Disagreeing, cannot be <em>in gradu intenso</em>,
in one and the same Subject: <em>Cacao</em> is
cold and drie, in predominency: Therefore,
it cannot have the qualities contrary to those;
which are Heat, and Moysture. The first Proposition
is most certaine, and grounded upon
good Philosophy: The second is consented
unto, by all: The third, which is the Conclusion,
is regular.</span></p>
<p>It cannot be denyed, but that the <em>Argument</em>
is very strong, and these reasons
being considered by him of <em>Marchena</em>,
have made him affirme, that <em>Chocolate</em> is
Obstructive; it seeming to be contrary
to Philosophy, that in it there should be
found <em>Heat</em> and <em>Moysture</em>, <i>in gradu intenso</i>;
and to be so likewise in <em>Cold</em> and <em>Dry</em>.</p>
<p>To this, there are two things to be <ins class="errata" id="errata_4" title="Original reads: an-answered">answered</ins>:
One, that he never saw the
experience of drawing out the Butter,
which I have done; and that when the
<em>Chocolate</em> is made without adding any
thing to the dryed Powder, which is incorporated,
onely by beating it well together,
and is united, and made into a
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_7" title="7"></SPAN><SPAN class="print_signature" id="signature_B4" title="B4"></SPAN>Paste, which is a signe, that there is a
moist, and glutinous part, which, of necessity,
must correspond with the Element
of Aire.</p>
<p>The other reason, we will draw from
Philosophy; affirming that, in the <em>Cacao</em>,
there are different substances. In the
one, that is to say, in that, which is not
so fat, it hath a greater quantity of the
Oylie, then of the earthie Substance;
and in the fatter part, it hath more of
the earthy than of the Oily substance.
In these there is Heate and Moysture in
predominancy; and in the other, cold
and dry.</p>
<p>Notwithstanding that it is hard to be
believed, that in one and the same substance,
and so little of the <em>Cacao</em>, it can
have substances so different: To the end
that it may appeare more easie, clear, and
evident, first we see it in the <em>Rubarbe</em>,
which hath in it hot and soluble parts,
and parts which are Binding, Cold and
Dry, which have a vertue to strengthen,
binde, and stop the loosenesse of the Belly:
I say also, that he that sees and con<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_8" title="8"></SPAN>siders
the steele, so much of the nature of
the earth, as being heavy, thick, cold, and
dry; it seemes to be thought unproper
for the curing of Opilations, but rather
to be apt to encrease them; and yet it
is given for a proper remedy against
<p>This difficulty is cleared thus, that
though it be true, that it hath much of
the Earthy part; yet it hath also parts
of Sulphur, and of quick silver, which
doe open, and disopilate; neither doth
it so, untill it be helped by Art, as it is
ground, stirred, and made fine, in the preparing
of it; the Sulphurous parts, and
those of quick-silver, being thinne,
active, and penetrative, they mingle, at
the last with those parts, which are Earthy
and astringent: Insomuch, that they
being mingled after this manner one with
another, we cannot now say, that the
steele is astringent, but rather, that it is
penetrative, attenuating and opening.
Let us prove this Doctrine by Authorities;
and let the first be from <em>Gallen</em>, <i>l. 3.</i>
of the qualities of Simples, <i>c. 14.</i> Where,
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_9" title="9"></SPAN>first of all he teacheth, that almost all
those Medicines, which, to our sence,
seeme to be <em>Simple</em>, are notwithstanding
naturally <em>Compounded</em>, containing in
themselves contrary qualities; and that
is to say, a quality to expell, and to retaine;
to incrassate, and attenuate; to rarifie,
and to condense. Neither are we to
wonder at it, it being understood, that in
every fore-said Medicine, there is a quality
to heat, and to coole; to moisten and
to dry. And whatsoever Medicine it be,
it hath in it, thick, and thinne parts; rare,
and dense; soft, and hard. And in the
fifteenth Chapter following, in the same
Book, he puts an example of the Broth of
a Cock, which moves the Belly; and the
flesh hath the vertue to bind. He puts also
the example of the <em>Aloes</em>, which if it be
washt, looseth the Purgative vertue; or
that which it hath, is but weake.</p>
<p>That this differing vertue, and faculty,
is found in divers substances, or parts of
simple Medicaments, <em>Gallen</em> shewes
in the first Booke of his simple Medicines,
and the seventeenth Chapter,
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_10" title="10"></SPAN>bringing the example of Milke; in which,
three substances are found, and separated,
that is to say, the substance of
Cheese, which hath the vertue to stop the
Fluxe of the Belly; and the substance of
Whay, which is purging; and Butter, as
it is expressed in the said <em>Gallen</em>, <i>Cap. 15.</i>
Also we finde in Wine which is in the
Must, three substances, that is to say,
earth, which is the chiefe; and a thinner
substance, which is the flower, and may
be called the scum, or froath: and a third
substance which we properly call Wine;
And every one of these substances, containes
in it selfe divers qualities, and vertues;
in the colour, in the smell, and in
other Accidents.</p>
<p><em>Aristotle</em> in the fourth Book of the Meteors
and the first Chapter, treating of
Putrefaction, he found the same substances;
and in the second Chapter next following,
where he that is curious may
read it. And also by the Doctrine of
<em>Galen</em>, and of <em>Aristotle</em>, divers substances
are attributed to every of the mixt under
one and the same forme and quantity;
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_11" title="11"></SPAN>which is very conformable to reason, if
we consider, that every Aliment be it never
so simple, begets, and produceth in
the liver, foure humours, not onely differing
in temper, but also in substance;
and begets more or lesse of that humour,
according as that Aliment hath more or
fewer parts corresponding to the substance
of that humour, which is most ingendred.
And so in cold diseases, we give
warme nourishment; and cold nourishment,
in hot diseases.</p>
<p>From which evident examples, and
many others, which we might produce to
this purpose, we may gather, that, when
we grind and stir the <em>Cacao</em>, the divers
parts, which Nature hath given it,
doe artificially, and intimately mixe
themselves one with another; and so the
unctuous, warme, and moist parts, mingled
with the earthy (as we have said
of the steele) represses, and leaves them
not so binding, as they were before; but
rather with a mediocritie, more inclining
to the warme, and moist temper of the
Aire, then to the cold and dry of the
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_12" title="12"></SPAN>Earth; as it doth appeare when it is made
fit to drinke; that you scarce give it two
turnes with the Molinet when there riseth
a fatty scumme: by which you may
see how much it partaketh of the Oylie
<p>From which doctrine I gather, that
the Author of <em>Marchena</em>, was in an errour,
who, writing of <em>Chocolate</em>, saith that it
causeth Opilations, because <em>Cacao</em> is astringent;
as if that astriction were not
corrected, by the intimate mixing of one
part with another, by meanes of the
grinding, as is said before. Besides, it
having so many ingredients, which are
naturally hot, it must of necessity have
this effect; that is to say, to open, attenuate,
and not to binde; and, indeed, there
is no cause of bringing more examples, or
producing more reasons, for this truth,
then that which we see in the <em>Cacao</em> it self:
which, if it be not stirred, and compounded,
as aforesaid, to make the <em>Chocolate</em>.
But eating of it, as it is in the fruite, as
the <em>Criollas</em> eate it in the <em>Indies</em>, it doth notably
obstruct, and cause stoppings; for
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_13" title="13"></SPAN>no other cause but this, that the divers
substances which it containes, are not
perfectly mingled by the mastication
onely, but require the artificiall mixture,
which we have spoken of before.</p>
<p>Besides, our Adversary should have
considered, and called to his memory,
the first rudiments of Philosophy, that <i>à
dicto secundum quid, ad dictum simpliciter,
non valet consequentia</i>; As it is not
enough to say, the Black-a-Moore is
white, because his teeth are white; for he
may be blacke, though he hath white
teeth; and so it is not enough to say,
that the <em>Cacao</em> is stopping; and therefore
the Confection, which is made of it, is
also stopping.</p>
<p>The Tree, which beares this fruit, is so
delicate; and the earth, where it growes,
is so extreme hot, that to keepe the tree
from being consumed by the Sun, they
first plant other trees; and when they
are growne up to a good height, then
they plant the <em>Cacao</em> trees; that when it
first shewes it selfe above the ground,
those trees which are already growne,
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_14" title="14"></SPAN>may shelter it from the Sunne; and the
fruit doth not grow naked, but ten or
twelve of them are in one Gorde or Cod,
which is of the bignesse of a greate black
Figge, or bigger, and of the same forme,
and colour.</p>
<p>There are two sorts of <em>Cacao</em>; the one
is common, which is of a gray colour,
inclining towards red; the other is broader
and bigger, which they call <em>Patlaxte</em>,
and this is white, and more drying;
whereby it causeth watchfulnesse, and
drives away sleepe, and therefore it is not
so usefull, as the ordinary. This shall
suffice to be said of the <em>Cacao</em>.</p>
<p>And as for the rest of the ingredients,
which make our <em>Chocolaticall</em> Confection,
there is notable variety; because
some doe put into it black Pepper, and
also <em>Tauasco</em><span class="sidenote">A red roote like madder.</span>; which is not proper,
because it is so hot and dry; but
onely for one, who hath a very cold
Liver. And of this opinion, was a
certaine Doctor of the University of
<em>Mexico</em>, of whom a Religious man of
good credit told me, that he finding the
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_15" title="15"></SPAN>ordinary round Pepper was not fit to
bring his purpose about, and to the end,
he might discover, whether the long red
pepper were more proper, he made triall
upon the liver of a Sheepe; and putting
the ordinary pepper on one side, and the
red pepper<span class="sidenote">Chile.</span> on the other, after 24 hours,
the part, where the ordinary pepper lay,
was dryed up; and the other part continued
moist, as if nothing had bin thrown
upon it.</p>
<p>The Receipt of him who wrote at
<em>Marchena</em>, is this: Of <em>Cacaos</em>, 700; of
white Sugar, one pound and a halfe; Cinnamon,
2. ounces; of long red pepper,
14. of Cloves, halfe an ounce: Three
Cods of the Logwood or Campeche
tree; or in steade of that, the weight of
2. Reals, or a shilling of Anniseeds; as
much of <em>Agiote</em>, as will give the colour,
which is about the quantity of a Hasell-nut.
Some put in Almons, kernells of
Nuts, and Orenge-flower-water.</p>
<p>Concerning this Receipt I shall first
say, This shooe will not fit every foote;
but for those, who have diseases, or are
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_16" title="16"></SPAN>inclining to be infirme, you may either
adde, or take away, according to the necessity,
and temperature of every one:
and I hold it not amisse, that Sugar be
put into it, when it is drunke, so that it
be according to the quantity I shall hereafter
set downe. And sometimes they
make Tablets of the Sugar, and the <em>Chocolate</em>
together: which they doe onely to
please the Pallats, as the Dames of <em>Mexico</em>
doe use it; and they are there sold in
shops, and are confected and eaten like
other sweet-meats. For the Cloves,
which are put into this drinke, by the
Author aforesaid, the best Writers of
this Composition use them not; peradventure
upon this reason: that although
they take away the ill savour of the
mouth, they binde; as a learned Writer
hath exprest in these verses:</p>
<p class="poem">Fœtorem emendat oris Cariophilia fœdum;<br/>
Constringunt ventrem, <ins class="expansion" id="expansion_1" title="Expanded: primaq;">primaque</ins> membra juvant.</p>
<p class="poem_translation">Cloves doe perfume a stincking Breath, and Bind<br/>
The Belly: Hence the prime members comfort find.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_17" title="17"></SPAN><SPAN class="print_signature" id="signature_C" title="C"></SPAN>And because they are binding (and hot
and dry in the third degree) they must
not be used, though they help the chiefe
parts of Concoction, which are the Stomacke
and the Liver, as appeares by the
Verses before recited.</p>
<p>The Huskes or Cods of Logwood, or
Campeche, are very good, and smell like
Fennell; and every one puts in of these,
because they are not very hot; though <ins class="errata" id="errata_5" title="Original reads: it it">it</ins>
excuse not the putting in of Annis-seed,
as sayes the Author of this Receipt;
for there is no <em>Chocolate</em> without it, because
it is good for many cold diseases,
being hot in the third degree; and to
temper the coldnesse of the <em>Cacao</em>; and
that it may appeare, it helpes the indisposition
of Cold parts, I will cite the Verses
of one curious in this Art:</p>
<p class="poem">Morbosus renes, vesicam, guttura, vulnam,<br/>
Intestina, jecur, <ins class="expansion" id="expansion_2" title="Expanded: cumq;">cumque</ins> lyene caput<br/>
Confortat, variisque Anisum subdita morbis<br/>
Membra: istud tantum vim leve semen habet.</p>
<p class="poem_translation">The Reyns, the Bladder, throat, & thing between—<br/>
Enatrailes and Liver, with the Head, and spleen<br/>
And other Parts, by <span class="note_marker">*</span><span class="sidenote">* Annis.</span> it are comforted:<br/>
So great a vertue’s in that little seed.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_18" title="18"></SPAN>The quantity of a Nut of the <em>Achiote</em> <span class="sidenote"><ins class="errata" id="errata_6" title="Unclear in original.">Ta-asco.</ins></span> is
too little to colour the quantity made according
to his Receipt; and therefore, he
that makes it, may put in it, as much as
he thinkes fit.</p>
<p>Those, who adde Almons, and Nuts,
doe not ill; because they give it more
body and substance then <em>Maiz</em> or <em>Paniso</em><span class="sidenote">A graine like Millet.</span>,
which others use; and for my part, I
should always put it into <em>Chocolate</em>, for
Almonds (besides what I have said of
them before) are moderately hot, and
have a thinne juice; but you must not
use new Almons, as a learned Author
sayes in these Verses.</p>
<p class="poem">Dat modice calidum <ins class="expansion" id="expansion_3" title="Expanded: dulcisq;">dulcisque</ins> Amigdala succum,<br/>
Et tenuem; inducunt plurima damna nova.</p>
<p class="poem_translation">New Almonds yeild a Hot and slender juice,<br/>
But bring new mischiefs by too often use.</p>
<p>And the small Nuts are not ill for
our purpose; for they have almost the
temper, which the Almons have; onely
because they are dryer, they come nearer
the temper of Choler; and doe therefore
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_19" title="19"></SPAN><SPAN class="print_signature" id="signature_C2" title="C2"></SPAN>strengthen the Belly, and the Stomacke,
being dryed: for so they must
be used for the Confection; and they
preserve the head from those vapours,
which rise from the Belly: as it appeares
by the said Author in these Verses.</p>
<p class="poem">Bilis Avellanam sequitur; sed roborat alvum<br/>
Ventris, & a fumis liberat assa caput.</p>
<p class="poem_translation">Filberds breed Chollar, Th’ Belly Fortifie,<br/>
Benzoin the Head frees from Fumosity.</p>
<p>And therefore they are proper for such
as are troubled with ventuosities, and
<em>Hypochondriacall</em> vapours, which offend
the brain, and there cause such troublesome
dreames, and sad imaginations.</p>
<p>Those who mixe <em>Maiz</em> or <em>Paniso</em> in the
<em>Chocolate</em> doe very ill; because those
graines doe beget a very melancholly
humour: as the same Author expresseth
in these Verses.</p>
<p class="poem">Crassa melancholicum præstant tibi Panica succum<br/>
Siccant, si penas membra, gelantque foris.</p>
<p class="poem_translation">Grosse Eares of Corne have Cholorique juice (no doubt)<br/>
Which dries, if taken inward; cooles without.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_20" title="20"></SPAN>It is also apparantly windy; and those
which mixe it in this <em>Confection</em>, doe it
onely for their profit, by encreasing the
quantity of the <em>Chocolate</em>; because every
<em>Fanega</em> or measure of <span class="note_marker">*</span><span class="sidenote">* Maiz, or Indian Wheat</span> <em>Grani</em> containing
about a Bushell and a halfe, is sold for
eight shillings, and they sell this <em>Confection</em>
for foure shillings a pound, which is
the ordinary price of the <em>Chocolate</em>.</p>
<p>The <em>Cinamon</em> is hot and dry in the
third degree; it provokes Urine,
and helps the Kidneys and Reynes of
those who are troubled with cold diseases;
and it is good for the eyes; and in
effect, it is cordiall; as appeares by the
Author of these Verses.</p>
<p class="poem">Commoda & urinæ Cinnamomum, & renibus<br/>
Lumina clarificat, dira venena fugat. <span class="keep_separate">(affert:</span></p>
<p class="poem_translation">Cinnamon helps the Reines and Urine well,<br/>
It cleares the Eyes, and Poison doth expell.</p>
<p>The <em>Achiote</em> hath a piercing attenuating
quality, as appeareth by the <ins class="expansion" id="expansion_4" title="Expanded: commõ">common</ins>
practice of the Physitians in the <em>Indies</em>,
experienced daily in the effects of it, who
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_21" title="21"></SPAN><SPAN class="print_signature" id="signature_C3" title="C3"></SPAN>doe give it to their Patients, to cut, and
attenuate the grosse humours, which doe
cause shortnesse of breath, and stopping
of urine; and so it may be used for any
kind of Opilations; for we give it for the
stoppings, which are in the breast, or in
the Region of the belly, or any other part
of the Body.</p>
<p>And concerning the long red Peper,
there are foure sorts of it. One is called
<em>Chilchotes</em>: the other very little, which
they call <em>Chilterpin</em>; and these two kinds,
are very quicke and biting. The other
two are called <em>Tonalchiles</em>, and these are
moderately hot; for they are eaten with
bread, as they eate other fruits, & they are
of a yellow colour; and they grow onely
about the Townes, which are in, and adjoyning
to the Lake of <em>Mexico</em>. The other
Pepper is called <em>Chilpaclagua</em>, which
hath a broad huske, and this is not so
biting as the first; nor so gentle as the
last, and is that, which is usually put into
the <em>Chocolate</em>.</p>
<p>There are also other ingredients, which
are used in this <em>Confection</em>. One called
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_22" title="22"></SPAN><em>Mechasuchil</em>; and another which they call
<em>Vinecaxtli</em>, which in the <em>Spanish</em> they call
<em>Orejuelas</em>, which are sweet smelling Flowers,
Aromaticall and hot. And the
<em>Mechasuchil</em> hath a Purgative quality;
for in the <em>Indies</em> they make a purging
portion of it. In stead of this, in <em>Spaine</em>
they put into the <em>Confection</em>, powder of
<em>Alexandria</em>, for opening the Belly.</p>
<p>I have spoken of all these Ingredients,
that every one may make choise of those
which please him best, or are most proper
for infirmities.</p>
<h2 class="point_title"><SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_23" title="23"></SPAN><SPAN class="print_signature" id="signature_C4" title="C4"></SPAN>The second Point.</h2>
<p class="first_paragraph">As concerning the second point, I
say, as I have said before, that
though it be true, that the <em>Cacao</em>
is mingled with all these Ingredients,
which are hot; yet there is to be a
greater quantity of <em>Cacao</em>, then of all the
rest of the Ingredients, which serve to
temper the coldnesse of the <em>Cacao</em>: Just
as when we seek, of two Medicines of
contrary qualities, to compound one,
which shall be of a moderate temper: In
the same manner doth result the same
action and re-action of the cold parts of
the <em><ins class="errata" id="errata_7" title="Original reads: Cocao">Cacao</ins></em>, and of the hot parts of the other
ingredients, which makes the <em>Chocolate</em>
of so moderate a quality, that it
differs very little from a mediocrity;
and when there is not put in any ordinary
pepper, or Cloves, but onely a little
Annisseed (as I shall shew hereafter) we
may boldly say, that it is very temperate.
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_24" title="24"></SPAN>And this may be proved by reason, and
experience: (supposing that which <em>Gallen</em>
sayes, to be true, that every mixt Medicine,
warmeth the cold, and cooleth the
hot; bringing the examples of Oyle of
<em>Roses</em>.) By experience, I say, that in the
<em>Indies</em> (as is the custom of that countrey)
I comming in a heat to visite a sick person,
and asking water to refresh me, they
perswaded mee to take a Draught of
<em>Chocolate</em>; which quencht my thirst: & in
the morning (if I took it fasting) it did
warme and comfort my stomack. Now
let us prove it by reason. Wee have already
proved, that all the parts of the
<em>Cacao</em> are not cold. For we have made it
appeare that the unctuous parts, which
are many, be all hot, or temperate: then,
though it be true, that the quantity of
the <em>Cacao</em> is greater than of all the rest of
the ingredients, yet the cold parts are at
the most, not halfe so many as the hot;
and if for all this they should be more,
yet by stirring, & mangling of the warme
unctuous parts, they are much qualified.
And, on the other side, it being mixt
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_25" title="25"></SPAN>with the other Ingredients, which are hot
in the second and third degree, being the
predominant quality, it must needs be
brought to a mediocrity. Like as two
men, who shake hands, the one being hot,
and the other cold, the one hand borrows
heat, and the other is made colder;
and in conclusion, neither hand retaines
the cold, or heat it had before, but both
of them remain more temperate. So like-wise
two men, who go to wrestle, at the
first they are in their full vigour and
strength; but after they have strugled a
while, their force lessens by degrees, till
at last they are both much weaker, than
when they began to wrestle. And <em>Aristotle</em>
was also of this opinion in his fourth
Booke of the Nature of Beasts, <i>cap. 3.</i>
Where he sayes, that every Agent suffers
with the patient; as that which cuts, is
made dul by the thing it cuts; that which
warmes, cooles it selfe; and that which
thrusts, or forceth forward, is in some
sort driven bake it selfe.</p>
<p>From whence I gather, that it is better
to use <em>Chocolate</em>, after it hath beene
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_26" title="26"></SPAN>made some time, a Moneth at the least. I
believe this time to be necessary, for
breaking the contrary qualities of the severall
Ingredients, and to bring the
Drinke to a moderate temper. For, as it
alwayes falls out at the first, that every
contrary will have its predominancy, and
will worke his owne effects, Nature not
liking well to be heated and cooled, at
the same time. And this is the cause why
<em>Gallen</em> in his twelfth Booke of <i>Method</i>,
doth advise not to use <em>Philonium</em>, till after
a yeare, or, at the least, six moneths;
because it is a composition made of <em>Opium</em>
(which is cold in the fourth degree)
and of Pepper, and other Ingredients,
which are hot in the third degree. This
Theorum, and Doctrine, is made good
by the practise, which some have made,
of whom I have asked, what <em>Chocolate</em>
did best agree with them? and they have
affirmed, that the best is that which
hath beene made some moneths: and
that the new doth hurt by loosening the
Stomack; And, in my opinion, the reason
of it is, that the unctuous or fat parts,
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_27" title="27"></SPAN>are not altogether corrected, by the earthy
parts of the <em>Cacao</em>. And this I shall
thus prove; for, as I shall declare hereafter,
if you make the <em>Chocolate</em> boyle,
when you drinke it, the boyling of it divides
that fat and oyly part; and that
makes a relaxation in the Stomacke in
the old <em>Chocolate</em>, as well as if it were new.</p>
<p>So that I conclude in this second point,
that the <em>Chocolaticall Confection</em> is not so
cold as the <em>Cacao</em>, nor so hot as the rest
of the Ingredients; but there results
from the action and re-action of these Ingredients,
a moderate temper which
may be good, both for the cold and hot
stomacks, being taken moderately, as
shall be declared hereafter; and it having
beene made a moneth at the least; as
is already proved. And so I know not
why any many having made experience of
this <em>Confection</em> (which is composed, as it
ought to be, for every particular) should
speake ill of it. Besides, where it is so
much used, the most, if not all, as well
in the <em>Indies</em>, as in <em>Spain</em>, finde, it agreeth
well with them. He of <em>Merchena</em> had no
<SPAN class="pagenum" id="page_28" title="28"></SPAN>ground in saying, that it did cause Opilations.
For, if it were so, the Liver being
obstructed, it would extenuate its
subject; and by experience, we see to the
contrary, that it makes fat; the reason
whereof I shall shew hereafter. And this
shall suffice for the second Point.</p>
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