<SPAN name="December"></SPAN>
<h2><SPAN href="images/head-dec.png"><ANTIMG width-obs="40%" src="images/head-dec.png" alt="December" /></SPAN></h2>
<p>The lakes of ice gleam bluer than the lakes<br/>
Of water 'neath the summer sunshine gleamed:<br/>
Far fairer than when placidly it streamed,<br/>
The brook its frozen architecture makes,<br/>
And under bridges white its swift way takes.<br/>
Snow comes and goes as messenger who dreamed<br/>
Might linger on the road; or one who deemed<br/>
His message hostile gently for their sakes<br/>
Who listened might reveal it by degrees.<br/>
We gird against the cold of winter wind<br/>
Our loins now with mighty bands of sleep,<br/>
In longest, darkest nights take rest and ease,<br/>
And every shortening day, as shadows creep<br/>
O'er the brief noontide, fresh surprises find.</p>
<p align="center" style="margin: 0%"><SPAN href="images/vign-12.png"><ANTIMG width-obs="40%" src="images/vign-12.png" alt="Vignette 12" /></SPAN></p>
<SPAN name="endofbook"></SPAN>
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