<hr style="width: 65%;" /><p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_95" id="Page_95">[95]</SPAN></span></p>
<h2>THE COBBLER</h2>
<div class='cap'>"CAN you make me a pair of boots?" asked
Puss, Junior, reining in his Good Gray
<p>The cobbler, who was sitting close to the open
window of his little shop, looked up from his
<p>"Will you need two pair?" he asked.</p>
<p>"One pair, my good man," replied Puss,
Junior, haughtily. "Do you imagine I wear
boots on my front paws?"</p>
<p>"Well, my good Sir Cat," answered the cobbler,
"I did not know for certain. I can make
two pair as well as one."</p>
<p>"And charge for two pair, I warrant, also,"
cried Puss, with a grin.</p>
<p>"I can give you fine work," said the cobbler.</p>
<p>"Are you sure?" asked Puss. "My last pair,
which was unfortunately burned up in a fire,
was made by a royal cobbler."</p>
<p>"I have not made boots for royalty," replied
the cobbler, "but I made the shoe in which an
old woman lives with so many children that it
would take you an hour to count them all. That
was some job, let me tell you. One doesn't often
live in a shoe, although one may walk in one."<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_96" id="Page_96">[96]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>"You don't mean to tell me you made that
wonderful shoe?" cried Puss.</p>
<p>"Most certainly, my good Sir Cat."</p>
<div class="figleft"> <ANTIMG src="images/gs22.png" width-obs="313" height-obs="400" alt="The Cobbler" title="" /></div>
<p>"Then you shall make me a pair of boots.
And, mind you, my good man, they must have
red tops."</p>
<p>"That they shall," said the cobbler. "Dismount,<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_97" id="Page_97">[97]</SPAN></span>
and come into my humble shop. I would
measure your feet."</p>
<p>"Perhaps you have a pair on hand that will
fit me," said Puss, gazing about the tiny shop.</p>
<p>"I will see," replied the cobbler.</p>
<p>"I am in haste," said Puss, as the cobbler
looked over his stock. "I am in haste, for I
have yet a long journey before me, and cannot
delay. I am in search of my illustrious father,
Puss in Boots."</p>
<p>"What!" cried the cobbler. "I once made a
pair of boots for a cat. Could it have been the
noble Puss in Boots?"</p>
<p>"Tell me where he lives," cried Puss, much
<p>"Ah," replied the cobbler, "that I do not
know, for it is many years ago since I made the
boots. But here is a pair I think will fit you."</p>
<p>"I would rather that you had told me where my
father lives," said little Puss, Junior, "than to
have found a pair of boots."</p>
<p>"They are certainly a fine fit," said the
cobbler, gazing with admiration at Puss, Junior's,
<p>"Yes," answered Puss, "and here is the money.
Good-by," and off rode our little hero, still in
search of his father, the famous Puss in Boots.</p>
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