<h2>CHAPTER XIX</h2>
<p class="center"><i>THE SPIRIT OF PRAYER IN THE SAINTS:<br/>
<p class="center small"><span class="smcap">Romans</span> viii. 26-39</p>
<p class="dropcap">IN the last paragraph the music of this glorious
didactic prophecy passed, in some solemn phrases,
into the minor mood. "<i>If we share His sufferings</i>";
"<i>The sufferings of this present season</i>"; "<i>We groan
within ourselves</i>"; "<i>In the sense of our hope we were
saved</i>." All is well. The deep harmony of the
Christian's full experience, if it is full downwards as well
as upwards, demands sometimes such tones; and they
are all music, for they all express a life in Christ, lived
by the power of the Holy Ghost. But now the strain
is to ascend again into its largest and most triumphant
manner. We are now to hear how our salvation, though
its ultimate issues are still things of hope, is itself a
thing of eternity—from everlasting to everlasting. We
are to be made sure that all things are working now,
in concurrent action, for the believer's good; and that
his justification is sure; and that his glory is so certain
that its future is, from his Lord's point of sight, present;
and that nothing, absolutely nothing, shall separate
him from the eternal Love.</p>
<p>But first comes one most deep and tender word, the
last of its kind in the long argument, about the presence
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_232" id="Page_232">{232}</SPAN></span>
and power of the Holy Ghost. The Apostle has the
"groan" of the Christian still in his ear, in his heart;
in fact, it is his own. And he has just pointed himself
and his fellow believers to the coming glory, as to
a wonderful antidote; a prospect which is at once
great in itself and unspeakably suggestive of <i>the greatness</i>
given to the most suffering and tempted saint by
his union with his Lord. As if to say to the pilgrim,
in his moment of distress, "Remember, you are more
to God than you can possibly know; He has made you
such, in Christ, that universal Nature is concerned in
the prospect of your glory." But now, as if nothing
must suffice but what is directly divine, he bids him
remember also the presence in him of the Eternal
Spirit, as his mighty but tenderest indwelling Friend.
Even as "that blessed Hope," so, "<i>likewise also</i>," this
blessed present Person, is the weak one's power. <span class="smcap">He</span>
takes the man in his bewilderment, when troubles from
without press him, and fears from within make him
groan, and he is in sore need, yet at a loss for the right
cry. And He moves in the tired soul, and breathes
Himself into its thought, and His mysterious "groan"
of divine yearning mingles with our groan of burthen,
and the man's longings go out above all things not
towards rest but towards God and His will. So the
Christian's innermost and ruling desire is both fixed
and animated by the blessed Indweller, and he seeks
what the Lord will love to grant, even Himself and
whatever shall please Him. The man prays aright, as
to the essence of the prayer, because (what a divine
miracle is put before us in the words!) the Holy Ghost,
immanent in him, prays through him.</p>
<p>Thus we venture, in advance, to explain the sentences
which now follow. It is true that St Paul does not
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_233" id="Page_233">{233}</SPAN></span>
explicitly say that the Spirit makes intercession <i>in</i> us,
as well as <i>for</i> us. But must it not be so? For <i>where
is He</i>, from the point of view of Christian life, but
<i>in us</i>?</p>
<div class="sidenote">Ver. 26.<br/>Ver. 27.</div>
<p><b>Then, in the same way, the Spirit also</b>—as
well as "the hope"—<b>helps,</b> as with a clasping,
supporting hand (<span title="synantilambanetai">συναντιλαμβάνεται</span>),
<b>our weakness,<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_139" id="Ref_139" href="#Foot_139">[139]</SPAN></span></b>
our shortness and bewilderment of insight, our feebleness
of faith. <b>For what we should pray for as we ought,
we do not know; but the Spirit Itself interposes to
intercede</b> (<span title="hyperentynchanei">ὑπερεντυγχάνει</span>) <b>for us, with groanings unutterable;
but</b> (whatever be the utterance or no utterance)
<b>the Searcher of our</b> (<span title="tas">τὰς</span>) <b>hearts knows
what is the mind,</b> the purport, <b>of the Spirit; because God-wise,<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_140" id="Ref_140" href="#Foot_140">[140]</SPAN></span></b>
with divine insight and sympathy,
the Spirit with the Father, <b>He intercedes for saints.</b></p>
<p>Did He not so intercede for Paul, and in him,
fourteen years before these words were written, when
(2 Cor. xii. 7-10) the man thrice asked that "the thorn"
might be removed, and the Master gave him a better
blessing, the victorious overshadowing power? Did
He not so intercede for Monnica, and in her, when she
sought with prayers and tears to keep her rebellious
Augustine by her, and the Lord let him fly from her
side—to Italy, to Ambrose, and so to conversion?<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_141" id="Ref_141" href="#Foot_141">[141]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>But the strain rises now, finally and fully, into the
rest and triumph of faith. "<i>We know not</i> what we
should pray for as we ought"; and the blessed Spirit
meets this deep need in His own way. And this, with
all else that we have in Christ, reminds us of a somewhat
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_234" id="Page_234">{234}</SPAN></span>
that "<i>we know</i>" indeed; namely, that all things, favourable
or not in themselves, concur in blessing for the saints.
And then he looks backward (or rather, upward) into
eternity, and sees the throne, and the King with His
sovereign will, and the lines of perfect and infallible plan
and provision which stretch from that Centre to infinity.
These "<i>saints</i>," who are they? From one view-point,
they are simply sinners who have seen themselves, and
"fled for refuge to the" one possible "hope"; a "hope
set before" every soul that cares to win it. From another
view-point, that of the eternal Mind and Order, they are
those whom, for reasons infinitely wise and just, but
wholly hidden in Himself, the Lord has chosen to be
His own for ever, so that His choice takes effect in
their conversion, their acceptance, their spiritual transformation,
and their glory.</p>
<p>There, as regards this great passage, the thought
rests and ceases—in the glorification of the saints.
What their Glorifier will do with them, and through
them, thus glorified, is another matter. Assuredly He
will <i>make use</i> of them in His eternal kingdom. The
Church, made most blessed for ever, is yet beatified,
ultimately, not for itself but for its Head, and for His
Father. It is to be, in its final perfectness, "an
habitation of God, in the Spirit" (Eph. ii. 22). Is He
not so to possess it that the Universe shall see Him in
it, in a manner and degree now unknown and unimaginable?
Is not the endless "service" of the
elect to be such that all orders of being shall through
them behold and adore the glory of the Christ of God?
For ever they will be what they here become, the
bondservants of their Redeeming Lord, His Bride, His
vehicle of power and blessing; "having of their own
nothing, in Him all, and all for Him." No self-full
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_235" id="Page_235">{235}</SPAN></span>
exaltations await them in the place of light; or the
whole history of sin would begin over again, in a new
æon. No celestial Pharisaism will be their spirit; a
look downward upon less blessed regions of existence,
as from a sanctuary of their own. Who can tell what
ministries of boundless love will be the expression of
their life of inexpressible and inexhaustible joy? Always,
like Gabriel, "in the presence," will they not always also,
like him, "be sent" (Luke i. 19) on the messages of
their glorious Head, in whom at length, in the "divine
event," "all things shall be gathered together"?</p>
<p>But this is not the thought of the passage now in our
hands. Here, as we have said, the thought terminates
in the final glorification of the saints of God, as the
immediate goal of the process of their redemption.</p>
<div class="sidenote">Ver. 28.</div>
<p><b>But we know that for those who love God all
things work together for good, even for those
who, purpose-wise, are His called ones.</b> "<i>We know it</i>,"
with the cognition of faith; that is to say, because He,
absolutely trustworthy, guarantees it by His character,
and by His word. Deep, nay insoluble is the mystery,
from every other point of view. The lovers of the
Lord are indeed unable to explain, to themselves or
others, how this concurrence of "all things" works out
its infallible issues in them. And the observer from outside
cannot understand their certainty that it is so. But
the fact is there, given and assured, not by speculation
upon events, but by personal knowledge of an Eternal
Person. "Love God, and thou shalt know."<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_142" id="Ref_142" href="#Foot_142">[142]</SPAN></span></p>
<p>They "love God," with a love perfectly unartificial, the
genuine affection of human hearts, hearts not the less
human because divinely new-created, regenerated from
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_236" id="Page_236">{236}</SPAN></span>
above. Their immediate consciousness is just this;
we love Him. Not, we have read the book of life;
we have had a glimpse of the eternal purpose in itself;
we have heard our names recited in a roll of the
chosen; but, we love Him. We have found in Him
the eternal Love. In Him we have peace, purity, and
that deep, final satisfaction, that view of "the King
in His beauty," which is the <i>summum bonum</i> of the
creature. It was our fault that we saw it no sooner,
that we loved Him no sooner. It is the duty of every
soul that He has made to reflect upon its need of Him,
and upon the fact that it owes it to Him to love Him in
His holy beauty of eternal Love. If we could not it was
because we would not. If you cannot it is because, somehow
and somewhere, you will not; will not put yourselves
without reserve in the way of the sight. "Oh taste and
see that the Lord is good"; oh love the eternal Love.</p>
<p>But those who thus simply and genuinely love God
are also, on the other side, "<i>purpose-wise, His called
ones</i>"; "<i>called</i>," in the sense which we have found
above (p. 19) to be consistently traceable in the
Epistles; not merely invited, but brought in; not
evangelized only, but converted. In each case of the
happy company, the man, the woman, came to Christ,
came to love God with the freest possible coming of
the will, the heart. Yet each, having come, had the
Lord to thank for the coming. The human personality
had traced its orbit of will and deed, as truly as when
it willed to sin and to rebel. But lo, in ways past our
finding out, its free track lay along a previous track of
the purpose of the Eternal; its free "<i>I will</i>" was the
precise and fore-ordered correspondence to His "<i>Thou
shalt</i>." It was the act of man; it was the grace of God.</p>
<p>Can we get below such a statement, or above it?
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_237" id="Page_237">{237}</SPAN></span>
If we are right in our reading of the whole teaching of
Scripture on the sovereignty of God, our thoughts upon
it, practically, must sink down, and must rest, just
here. The doctrine of the Choice of God, in its sacred
mystery, refuses—so we humbly think—to be explained
away so as to mean in effect little but the choice of man.
But then the doctrine is "a lamp, not a sun." It is presented
to us everywhere, and not least in this Epistle,
as a truth not meant to explain everything, but to
enforce <i>this</i> thing—that the man who as a fact loves the
eternal Love has to thank not himself but that Love that
his eyes, guiltily shut, were effectually opened. Not
one link in the chain of actual Redemption is of our
forging—or the whole would indeed be fragile. It is
"of Him" that we, in this great matter, will as we
ought to will. I ought to have loved God always. It
is of His mere mercy that I love Him now.</p>
<p>With this lesson of uttermost humiliation the truth
of the heavenly Choice, and its effectual Call, brings us
also that of an encouragement altogether divine. Such
a "purpose" is no fluctuating thing, shifting with the
currents of time. Such a call to such an embrace
means a tenacity, as well as a welcome, worthy of
God. "Who shall separate us?" "Neither shall any
pluck them out of My Father's hand." And this is the
motive of the words in this wonderful context, where
everything is made to bear on <i>the safety</i> of the children
of God, in the midst of all imaginable dangers.</p>
<div class="sidenote">Ver. 29.</div>
<p><b>For whom He knew beforehand,</b> with a foreknowledge
which, in this argument, can mean
nothing short of foredecision<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_143" id="Ref_143" href="#Foot_143">[143]</SPAN></span>—no
mere foreknowledge of what they would do, but rather of what He would
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_238" id="Page_238">{238}</SPAN></span>
do for them—<b>those He also set apart beforehand, for
conformation,</b> deep and genuine, a resemblance due
to kindred <i>being</i>,<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_144" id="Ref_144" href="#Foot_144">[144]</SPAN></span>
<b>to the image,</b> the manifested Countenance,
<b>of His Son, that He might be Firstborn amongst
many brethren,</b> surrounded by the circling host of
kindred faces, congenial beings, His Father's children
by their union with Himself. So, as ever in the
Scriptures, mystery bears full on character. The man
is saved that he may be holy. His "<i>predestination</i>"<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_145" id="Ref_145" href="#Foot_145">[145]</SPAN></span>
is not merely not to perish, but to be made like Christ,
in a spiritual transformation, coming out in the moral
features of the family of heaven. And all bears ultimately
on the glory of Christ. The gathered saints are
an organism, a family, before the Father; and their vital
Centre is the Beloved Son, who sees in their true sonship
the fruit of "the travail of His soul."</p>
<div class="sidenote">Ver. 30.</div>
<p><b>But those whom He thus set apart beforehand,
He also called,</b> effectually drew so as truly and
freely to choose Christ; <b>and those whom He</b> thus <b>called</b>
to Christ, <b>He also justified</b> in Christ, in that great way of
propitiation and faith of which the Epistle has so largely spoken; <b>but<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_146" id="Ref_146" href="#Foot_146">[146]</SPAN></span>
those whom He</b> thus <b>justified, He also
glorified.</b> "<i>Glorified</i>": it is a marvellous past tense. It
reminds us that in this passage we are placed, as it were,
upon the mountain of the Throne; our finite thought is
allowed to speak for once (however little it understands
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_239" id="Page_239">{239}</SPAN></span>
it) the language of eternity, to utter the facts as the
Eternal sees them. To Him, the pilgrim is already in
the immortal Country; the bondservant is already at
his day's end, receiving His Master's "Well done, good
and faithful." He to whom time is not as it is to us
thus sees His purposes complete, always and for ever.
We see through His sight, in hearing His word about it.
So for us, in wonderful paradox, our glorification is presented,
as truly as our call, in terms of accomplished fact.</p>
<p>Here, in a certain sense, the long golden chain of <i>the
doctrine</i> of the Epistle ends—in the hand of the King
who thus crowns the sinners whose redemption, faith,
acceptance, and holiness, He had, in the Heaven of His
own Being, fore-willed and fore-ordered, "before the
world began," above all time. What remains of the
chapter is the application of the doctrine. But what an
application! The Apostle brings his converts out into
the open field of trial, and bids them <i>use</i> his doctrine
<i>there</i>. Are they thus dear to the Father in the Son?
Is their every need thus met? Is their guilt cancelled
in Christ's mighty merit? Is their existence filled with
Christ's eternal Spirit? Is sin thus cast beneath their
feet, and is such a heaven opened above their heads?
"Then what have they to fear," before man, or before
God? What power in the universe, of whatever order
of being, can really hurt them? For what can separate
them from their portion in their glorified Lord, and
in His Father's love in Him? Again we listen, with
Tertius, as the voice goes on:</p>
<div class="sidenote">Ver. 31.<br/> to<br/>Ver. 33.</div>
<p><b>What therefore shall we say in view of these
things? If God is for us, who is against us? <span class="smcap">He</span><span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_147" id="Ref_147" href="#Foot_147">[147]</SPAN></span>
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_240" id="Page_240">{240}</SPAN></span>
who did not spare His own true</b> (<span title="idiou">ἰδίου</span>) <b>Son, but for us
all handed Him over</b> to that awful expiatory,
propitiatory, darkness and death, so that <span class="smcap">He</span>
was "pleased to bruise Him, to put Him to grief"
(Isai. liii. 10), all for His own great glory, but, no
whit the less, all for our pure blessing; <b>how</b> (wonderful
"<i>how</i>"!) <b>shall He not also with Him,</b> because <i>all</i>
is included and involved in Him who is the Father's
All, <b>give us also freely all things</b> (<span title="ta panta">τὰ πάντα</span>,
"<i>the all</i> things that are")? And do we want to be sure that
He will not, after all, find a flaw in our claim, and
cast us in His court? <b>Who will lodge a charge against
God's chosen ones?</b> Will <b>God—who justifies them?<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_148" id="Ref_148" href="#Foot_148">[148]</SPAN></span>
Who will condemn them,</b> if the charge
<i>is</i> lodged? Will <b>Christ—who died, nay rather who rose,
who is on the right hand of God, who is actually</b>
(<span title="kai">καὶ</span>) <b>interceding
for us?</b> (Observe this one mention in the whole
Epistle of His Ascension, and His action for us above,
as He is, by the fact of His Session on the Throne, our
sure Channel of eternal blessing, unworthy that we are.)
Do we need assurance, amidst "the sufferings of this
present time," that through them always the invincible
hands of Christ clasp us, with untired love? We "look
upon the covenant" of our acceptance and life in Him
who died for us, and who lives both for and in us, and we
meet the fiercest buffet of these waves in peace.<span class="sni"><span class="hidev">|</span>Ver. 35.<br/> to<br/>Ver. 38.<span class="hidev">|</span></span> <b>Who
shall sunder us from the love of Christ?</b> There
rise before him, as he asks, like so many angry personalities,<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_149" id="Ref_149" href="#Foot_149">[149]</SPAN></span>
the outward woes of the pilgrimage.
<b>Tribulation? or Perplexity? or Persecution? or Famine?
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_241" id="Page_241">{241}</SPAN></span>
or Nakedness? or Peril? or Sword? As it stands written,</b>
in that deep song of anguish and faith (Psal.
xliv.) in which the elder Church, one with us
in deep continuity, tells her story of affliction, <b>"For
Thy sake we are done to death all the day long; we
have been reckoned,</b> estimated, <b>as sheep of slaughter."</b>
Even so. <b>But in these things, all of them, we
more than conquer;</b> not only do we tread upon our
foes; we spoil them, we find them occasions of glorious gain,<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_150" id="Ref_150" href="#Foot_150">[150]</SPAN></span>
<b>through Him who loved us. For I am sure
that neither death, nor life,</b> life with its natural
allurements or its bewildering toils, <b>nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers,<span class="fnanchor"><SPAN name="Ref_151" id="Ref_151" href="#Foot_151">[151]</SPAN></span></b>
whatever Orders of being unfriendly to Christ and His saints the vast Unseen
contains, <b>nor present things, nor things to come,</b> in all
the boundless field of circumstance and contingency,
<b>nor height, nor depth,</b> in the illimitable sphere of space,
<b>nor any other creature,</b> no thing, no being, under the
Uncreated One, <b>shall be able to sunder us,</b> "<i>us</i>" with
an emphasis upon the word and thought (<span title="hêmas chôrisai">ἡμας χωρίσαι</span>),
<b>from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord</b>—from
the eternal embrace wherein the Father embosoms
the Son, and, in the Son, all who are one with Him.</p>
<p>So once more the divine music rolls itself out into the
blessed Name. We have heard the previous cadences
as they came in their order; "Jesus our Lord, who was
delivered because of our offences, and was raised again
because of our justification" (iv. 25); "That grace might
reign, through Jesus Christ our Lord" (v. 21); "The gift
of God is eternal life, in Jesus Christ our Lord" (vi. 23);
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_242" id="Page_242">{242}</SPAN></span>
"I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord" (vii. 25).
Like the theme of a fugue it has sounded on, deep and
high; still, always, "our Lord Jesus Christ," who is all
things, and in all, and for all, to His happy believing
members. And now all is gathered up into this. Our
"Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption"
(1 Cor. i. 33), the golden burthens of the third chapter,
and the sixth, and the eighth, are all, in their living
ultimate essence, "Jesus Christ our Lord." <span class="smcap">He</span> makes
every truth, every doctrine of peace and holiness, every
sure premiss and indissoluble inference, to be life as
well as light. <span class="smcap">He</span> is pardon, and sanctity, and heaven.
Here, finally, the Eternal Love is seen not as it were
diffused into infinity, but gathered up wholly and for
ever in Him. Therefore to be in Him is to be in It.
It is to be within the clasp which surrounds the Beloved
of the Father.</p>
<p>Some years ago we remember reading this passage,
this close of the eighth chapter, under moving circumstances.
On a cloudless January night, late arrived in
Rome, we stood in the Coliseum, a party of friends
from England. Orion, the giant with the sword, glimmered
like a spectre, the spectre of persecution, above
the huge precinct; for the full moon, high in the heavens,
overpowered the stars. By its light we read from a little
Testament these words, written so long ago to be read
in that same City; written by the man whose dust now
sleeps at Tre Fontane, where the executioner dismissed
him to be with Christ; written to men and women some
of whom at least, in all human likelihood, suffered in
that same Amphitheatre, raised only twenty-two years
after Paul wrote to the Romans, and soon made the
scene of countless martyrdoms. "Do you want a
<span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_243" id="Page_243">{243}</SPAN></span>
relic?" said a Pope to some eager visitor. "Gather
dust from the Coliseum; it is all the martyrs."</p>
<p>We recited the words of the Epistle, and gave thanks
to Him who had there triumphed in His saints over life
and death, over beasts, and men, and demons. Then
we thought of the inmost factors in that great victory;
Truth and Life. They "knew whom they had believed"—their
Sacrifice, their Head, their King. He
whom they had believed lived in them, and they in
Him, by the Holy Ghost given to them. Then we
thought of ourselves, in our circumstances so totally
different on the surface, yet carrying the same needs in
their depths. Are we too to overcome, in "the things
present" of our modern world, and in face of "the
things to come" yet upon the earth? Are we to be
"more than conquerors," winning blessing out of all
things, and really living "in our own generation"
(Acts xiii. 36) as the bondmen of Christ and the sons of
God? Then for us also the absolute necessities are—the
same Truth, and the same Life. And they are
ours, thanks be to the Name of our salvation. Time
hath no more dominion over them, because death hath
no more dominion over Him. For us too Jesus died.
In us too, by the Holy Ghost, He lives.</p>
<div class="footnote">
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_139" id="Foot_139" href="#Ref_139">[139]</SPAN>
Read <span title="astheneia">ἀσθενείᾳ</span>.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_140" id="Foot_140" href="#Ref_140">[140]</SPAN>
So we venture to render <span title="kata Theon">κατὰ Θεόν</span>.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_141" id="Foot_141" href="#Ref_141">[141]</SPAN>
<i>Confessiones</i>, v. 8.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_142" id="Foot_142" href="#Ref_142">[142]</SPAN>
See a noble poem by James Montgomery, <i>The Lot of the Righteous</i>.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_143" id="Foot_143" href="#Ref_143">[143]</SPAN>
See <i>e.g.</i> xi. 2; Acts ii. 23; 1 Pet. i. 2, 20.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_144" id="Foot_144" href="#Ref_144">[144]</SPAN>
<span title="Symmorphous">Συμμόρφους</span>: <span title="morphê">μορφὴ</span>
is likeness not by accident but of essence. The
Greek here is literally, "conformed ones <i>of</i> the image, etc."; as if
their similitude made them part of that which they resembled.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_145" id="Foot_145" href="#Ref_145">[145]</SPAN>
Let us banish from the idea of "<i>predestination</i>" all thought of a
mechanical pagan <i>destiny</i>, and use it of the sure purpose of the living
and loving God.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_146" id="Foot_146" href="#Ref_146">[146]</SPAN>
<span title="De">Δέ</span>: the "<i>but</i>" of logic. He is <i>proving</i> the security of the prospect
of <i>glory</i>.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_147" id="Foot_147" href="#Ref_147">[147]</SPAN>
<span title="Hos ge">Ὅς γε</span>: the particle deeply <i>underlines</i> the pronoun.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_148" id="Foot_148" href="#Ref_148">[148]</SPAN>
<span title="Ho dikaiôn">Ὁ δικαιῶν</span>: we adopt the interrogative
rendering of all the clauses here. It is equally good as grammar, and
far more congenial to the glowing context.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_149" id="Foot_149" href="#Ref_149">[149]</SPAN>
Observe the <span title="tis">τίς</span> of the question,
not <span title="ti">τί</span>.</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_150" id="Foot_150" href="#Ref_150">[150]</SPAN>
Cp. 1 Cor. iii. 22: "All things <i>are yours</i>, whether life <i>or death</i>."</p>
<p class="nodent"><SPAN name="Foot_151" id="Foot_151" href="#Ref_151">[151]</SPAN>
Strong documentary evidence favours the transference of
"<i>powers</i>" to a place after "<i>things to come</i>." But surely rhythm,
and the affinity of words, look the other way.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="Page_244" id="Page_244">{244}</SPAN></span></p>
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