<h2 class="smcap"><SPAN name="ONE_VAN_VECHTEN">ONE<br/> Carl Van Vechten</SPAN></h2>
<p>In the ample checked fur in the back and in the
house, in the by next cloth and inner, in the chest, in
mean wind.</p>
<p>In the best most silk and water much, in the best
most silk.</p>
<p>In the best might last and wind that. In the best
might last and wind in the best might last.</p>
<p>Ages, ages, all what sat.</p>
<p>In the gold presently, in the gold presently unsuddenly
and decapsized and dewalking.</p>
<p>In the gold coming in.</p>
<p class="small-capped-heading">ONE.</p>
<p>None in stable, none at ghosts, none in the latter spot.</p>
<p class="small-capped-heading">ONE.</p>
<p>An oil in a can, an oil and a vial with a thousand
stems. An oil in a cup and a steel sofa.</p>
<p>An oil in a cup and a woolen coin, a woolen card and
a best satin.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_200" title="200"> </SPAN>
A water house and a hut to speak, a water house and
entirely water, water and water.</p>
<p><span class="uc-smcap">TWO.</span></p>
<p>A touching white shining sash and a touching white
green undercoat and a touching white colored orange and
a touching piece of elastic. A touching piece of elastic
<p>A touching white inlined ruddy hurry, a touching
research in all may day. A touching research is an over
<p>A touching expartition is in an example of work, a
touching beat is in the best way.</p>
<p>A touching box is in a coach seat so that a touching
box is on a coach seat so a touching box is on a coach
seat, a touching box is on a coat seat, a touching box is
on a coach seat.</p>
<p>A touching box is on the touching so helping held.</p>
<p>Any left in the touch is a scene, a scene. Any left
in is left somehow.</p>
<p class="center heading-space">Four.</p>
<p>Four between, four between and hacking. Four
between and hacking.</p>
<p>Four between and a saddle, a kind of dim judge and
a great big so colored dog.</p>
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