<h2><SPAN name="NOT_SIGHTLY">NOT SIGHTLY<br/> <small>A PLAY</small></SPAN></h2>
<p>Slightly painful and really more satisfactorily
stinted and mentioned in long singling birthdays. Shall
it seem strange.</p>
<p>Not wintered my dear.</p>
<p>Not wintered my dear.</p>
<p>Not wintered my dear.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">fellows.</p>
<p>Nine shall combine Straichy and purl wilt and
borrowed moans. Why will sold meats have mints.
They need it.</p>
<p>They need it yet.</p>
<p>They need it yet.</p>
<p>They need it yet they need it yet.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">A longer pause.</p>
<p>When kinds of similar tens that is to say twenty
suffering, when similar tens and perhaps fifty kneeling,
when similar and jointed and prized and quilted quietly
quilted tights quietly quilted tight minds when three
innerly expensive shrugs meant more there was a strain
and little meaning water spots came to remain. They
saw to that.</p>
<p>A particular relief</p>
<p class="larger-indent">In a particular relief.</p>
<p>Not nodding.</p>
<p>Explain looking. Explain looking again. Alice explain
looking again.</p>
<p class="larger-indent"><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_291" title="291"> </SPAN>
Another fact.</p>
<p>Not indeed my dear.</p>
<p>Why should I say supper.</p>
<p>Not every running thing my dear. I am sorry to
leave another.</p>
<p>Not then.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">I have long bands.</p>
<p>I couldn't do it behind it. I couldn't do it behind it.
I would never see Lena. I would mean to hoard
separately. I would surely sponge what. I would surely
sponge enough.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Intermission.</p>
<p>What does that mean.</p>
<p>There is no use in leaving out Friday. There is some
sense in that.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Eighteen.</p>
<p>Twenty three.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Times.</p>
<p>When there can be an arrest and I don't mean to
go, by the time there had been water, plants are, in between
them. Paul's. They came to say that another was
faster. They come to specialize. They were in a year
and old.</p>
<p>Now I mean to go on.</p>
<p>Stop it. Stop handling monkeys, stop handling birds
stop leaning, stop leaning by a companion.</p>
<p>I came to grave gravely see winding and beat in that
cautious outside which does make minor difference
differences more either. That's the way to pronounce it
<p class="larger-indent"><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_292" title="292"> </SPAN>
Second Act.</p>
<p>I meant to wait and I was simple and I did say
shelter god give him shelter. I did go away and I did
not mutter I did not believe goats I was not delicate I
was not careful to release more excellent tons of really
sound apples. This was so painful. This was very painful.
I meant to do the same yesterday.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Introduction.</p>
<p>Its really doing my hand a lot of good.</p>
<p>When I spoiled every day I made sashes.</p>
<p>I can understand where he did it.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Able corn.</p>
<p>One day any day not to search within the wounded
operating sound of miserable stretches. What shall
boats say. By this time.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Now I cannot sing.</p>
<p>Now I cannot sing.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Folded.</p>
<p>Biting meant mining.</p>
<p>Shall he find it out.</p>
<p>There is much to say.</p>
<p>An opportunity in sizes.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Further.</p>
<p>I can scratch.</p>
<p>Not it.</p>
<p>She meant it again.</p>
<p>Now I can lose money.</p>
<p class="larger-indent"><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_293" title="293"> </SPAN>
<p>There really is no reason to believe that.</p>
<p>What is your name.</p>
<p>As if he felt himself to be one.</p>
<p>I listened to Bertie.</p>
<p>I felt raining.</p>
<p>Rain is what is understood by singling out breathing.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">In the rest of piles of candles.</p>
<p>It is not necessary that there is a table plentifully,
it is not necessary that cloth is besieging it is neither
necessary that obligations are finally strung together by
meaning all pieces, it is beneath shining really beneath
<p>Then there is a pause. There really is more vacancy
than ever. There really is horrible horrible horribly
mismanagement. I am not pleased with it at all.</p>
<p>When I stood and measured distances when I stood
and measured distances I bowed I bowed to the reasonable
interpretation of plain stairs bent together and when
I meant to go away I did not leave out of that, consideration.
I did not leave out of that, consideration. I was
speedily neglected on harmony and I was not beside that
altered. I was not in altering changing recently. I was
not changing recently. Not to act too. Not to act too
much. Not to act too much in being horrified. Not to
beckon in spaces. Not really to beckon in spaces. Not
really to be beckoning in pointed spaces or pointed spaces.
Leave as alone we must be right.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Act Three.</p>
<p>I spent I mentioned I spent that. I do reline most
purses. I do so thoroughly. I do not please safer. This
is in sailing. Don't be a silly. How can one sail.</p>
<p class="larger-indent"><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_294" title="294"> </SPAN>
Field equivalent.</p>
<p>I was so surprised to see that at the bottom of the
<p>Its really not very active.</p>
<p>That's not what I want to settle about. It really is
<p class="larger-indent">There'll be five acts.</p>
<p>Why do I say blows noses.</p>
<p>Alice why do I say blows noses. Alice I hear you.</p>
<p>You are between there. I shall state what I think
and study. I study very much. This is not a request.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">I changed my mind.</p>
<p>No there is no example in this. I meant to be cautious.
I was restrained. I shall not come to stay. I
believe in sermons. It is a fauning thing.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">I do see a resemblance to Claire.</p>
<p>Why in the nature of pleasing where there can be
many tall representative not meaning to be still lining.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Beside him.</p>
<p>Not in front.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">It seems wrong not to answer anybody.</p>
<p>Really not.</p>
<p>A girdle needs stitches.</p>
<p>Not it.</p>
<p>Really not.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Pleases.</p>
<p>I must say I don't wish to go back.</p>
<p class="larger-indent"><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_295" title="295"> </SPAN>
<p>Shall I feel it.</p>
<p>Its not possible to sing by way of songs, it is not
possible to sing by way of songs.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Next time.</p>
<p>The next time that I wished to be taken away the
next time I wished to be taken away, in that way the
next time I wished to be taken or that way the next time
I wished to be taken that way, or the next time. I meant
to poison everybody I meant to poison everybody seriously,
I meant it seriously I meant complaining seriously,
I meant complaining seriously. In the way of peace
in that way by a certain chiming of really mountains by
a certain wearing heat, by really mounting cars, that is
in abundance for abundantly separating heights, any one
is tall in feet, that is a twinkling mother. Surely enough.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">The longer to stay for but I don't send it.</p>
<p>Once when prints and letters and little violets of
satin wood and spreading out centrally, once when upper
leather was reaching reaching by far, once when lively
older trees had learned restitution, I don't mean to blame
anybody. I haven't said luxurious. I meant to believe
my aunt. I mean countless pillows. I wish it was windy.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Painful.</p>
<p>It is painful.</p>
<p>There is a kind of sunset, nobody mentions butter.
They hate to be grave.</p>
<p>It really is very strange.</p>
<p>Not in cellars. Not in not cellars. Not wanting,
not wanting it.</p>
<p>I spent stitching. I did it in again. I spent fastening.
I saw likely. I saw very likely.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_296" title="296"> </SPAN>
When sleeping is wild, Cora is not wild. Cora is
not wild.</p>
<p>When sleeping is wild Cora is not wild. Mild
pleasant breath.</p>
<p>It is very fine that is very fine.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Instinct.</p>
<p>Instinct or reason.</p>
<p>Instinct or reason.</p>
<p>Instinct or reason.</p>
<p>Round and about.</p>
<p>Pale enough.</p>
<p>Not so in satisfaction, in real satisfaction.</p>
<p>Not so much.</p>
<p>I meant to go home.</p>
<p>I meant to go home.</p>
<p>I meant to go what do I mean by white. I meant
to change in it. More methodically. Yes purling. I
don't know instances.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Act Four.</p>
<p>Not in the least pressing.</p>
<p>Two crowns and a half a crown. That's the way
they would say it.</p>
<p>Seven one seven five.</p>
<p>Pleasing extras. I said I should wish to go, to go,
I said I should wish to go I said I should wish to go.</p>
<p>No blaming, no such blaming, darling no such
<p>When I mentioned still in mentioning I had to
imagine that I did not estimate wild curses. I did not
estimate wild curses. I don't like that name. I will not
secrete more wishes. I will say I will exactly say that
<SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_297" title="297"> </SPAN>lands are coarse, that lands are chorused that lands are
cursed. This comes to them after knitting. This comes
to them after knitting.</p>
<p>This comes to them after special winding. This
comes to them after winding.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Even new its pretty.</p>
<p>Do you mind selecting sashes. Do you mind selecting
sashes in it. Do you mind selecting sashes by way of
reminding, thanks. Do you mind reminding blinds. Do
you mind. Edith do you mind.</p>
<p>Edith seems, Edith seems denied. Edith rests colored,
not that colored much, not that colored by them.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">When wean in. When wean in school scissors.
Scissors are a count. I make it ahead.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Polish.</p>
<p>Its no use mentioning that I killed many who were
believed to be localized. Its no good to dictate that.
What I do not determine is more recognizable, it is not
in a politeness, it has a recent meaning.</p>
<p>Mr. Fairchild Resolute pure and clouded by night
and more feelingly, Mr. Fairchild resolute to emperil the
whole catastrophe does licence what he has to say.</p>
<p>A sudden peak a sudden peak of gleaming of gleaming
hidden stones of gleaming hidden stones thoroughly.</p>
<p>Yes isn't it an example isn't it a wiser relief than
was expected. Isn't it Flemish. I know that allusion it is
an allusion to a reached heart.</p>
<p>Not in the least not in the least private not in the
least privately. Not more than the sum not very granted.
Not by that straining not by that merriment. Can one
neglect it.</p>
<p class="larger-indent"><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_298" title="298"> </SPAN>
Two in seven</p>
<p class="larger-indent">I meant eleven it's shorter.</p>
<p>Commence to sew.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">How can eagerness meet it.</p>
<p>I don't indicate that and more nearly standing I
don't realize voices.</p>
<p>They said that. I mean to bury please her. Like.</p>
<p>Finding immense glances.</p>
<p>I don't like to place holes real holes really hollow
whites. I do not find long hoes.</p>
<p>That's a change. That is like water. That is plenty
of all spots. There is plenty of all pints. There is plenty
of another word.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">I don't like being discouraged.</p>
<p>When the meaning was in the sofa when the meaning
was in shouting when the meaning was found found
and found. I speak of it.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Act Five.</p>
<p>In a way I don't in a way I don't.</p>
<p>In a way I don't.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Piling.</p>
<p>Politeness requires</p>
<p>Neglecting plows.</p>
<p>Politeness requires neglecting plows.</p>
<p>Politeness requires neglecting plows.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">God bless you.</p>
<p>I inquired into the exact celebration of visual
memory. I met pleasing examples of amiable solicitude.
I measured strength. I mean to go and stay. I shall
certainly neglect sets. It is a complete wrinkling nation.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_299" title="299"> </SPAN>
This was no strawberry meaning with colors and
blacks black berry indigo shawls.</p>
<p>To begin to complain.</p>
<p>To begin to complain and straggle straggle with
mouse stretches. To begin to straggle to begin to straggle
and much any sealing any sealing without thimbles.
Thimbles are so noisy. They do so suddenly expose
<p>Splendidly more splendidly.</p>
<p>She saw mentioned birds.</p>
<p>I do not hesitate to understand myself and I do
vainly think that pearls are silly. I have a chance to say
I sew. I have a chance to say so.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">To begin on again.</p>
<p>It was said and well said it was well said and avoiding,
it was avoided by instantaneous crowning it was
mounted by sullen points it was suddenly anticipated and
nearly by a trinket. What is a trinket.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">I was disappointed in eggs.</p>
<p>Sweet oh sweet oh sweet sweet sweet.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Acting.</p>
<p>An amazing cow. Simply an amazing cow. Not in
sobbing. Not in clenching. An amazing cow. So shot.
<p>They've got so many soldiers. No they haven't my
<p class="larger-indent">How do I know.</p>
<p>I selected eating and it had to see what called houses.</p>
<p>I shall teach.</p>
<p class="larger-indent"><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_300" title="300"> </SPAN>
Continuation of an Act Five of the Act Five.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Business goes by favor.</p>
<p>Now count.</p>
<p>Forgive colds.</p>
<p>Be separated.</p>
<p>Have colds.</p>
<p>Compass for.</p>
<p>Have it essentially.</p>
<p>Have it island.</p>
<p>Have it for.</p>
<p>Only for it.</p>
<p>Have it within ices.</p>
<p>Have it by a case.</p>
<p>If you like likeness.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Read out by it.</p>
<p>Read out by it supper splendidly.</p>
<p>I met all sight.</p>
<p>I either.</p>
<p>Make it leaving.</p>
<p>Make it or believing.</p>
<p>Make it leaving.</p>
<p class="no-indent margin-left">She said choke night.<br/>
She meant it. She did<br/>
buy teams. Night it.</p>
<p><SPAN class="pagenum" name="Page_301" title="301"> </SPAN>
I saw a venture to be do be quiet and make the home
a home. Do not see the limp when he is walking. Do
not wonder if there is water. Leave it, sell more splendidly.
Do kindly stay in a way. Like what is a little
sensational. Do be all to be never. Never wet. Wretched
creature. I do not dot what is a new tub. Do regret
it. I will not satisfy many I will not satisfy many stitches.
Why are corsets warm. They are an answer. Little
pleasing <ins title="noises.">noises,</ins> This is a sum. All of it astonishes. The
Bruces have left.</p>
<p class="larger-indent">Act Five.</p>
<p>I made a mistake.</p>
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