<p id="id15600">Radiantly and transparently happy</p>
<p id="id15601">Railed at the world</p>
<p id="id15602">Rare candor and flexibility of mind</p>
<p id="id15603">Rare fidelity of purpose and achievement</p>
<p id="id15604">Rarely brought to pass</p>
<p id="id15605">Reeling headlong in luxury and sensuality</p>
<p id="id15606">Regarded with sincere abhorrence</p>
<p id="id15607">Regulated by the fixed rules of good-breeding</p>
<p id="id15608">Religious rights and ceremonies</p>
<p id="id15609">Reluctant to appear in so equivocal a character</p>
<p id="id15610">Render null and void</p>
<p id="id15611">Rent by internal contentions</p>
<p id="id15612">Repugnant alike to reason and conscience</p>
<p id="id15613">Resigned to growing infirmities</p>
<p id="id15614">Resist a common adversary</p>
<p id="id15615">Resting on some collateral circumstance</p>
<p id="id15616">Rhetorical and ambitious diction</p>
<p id="id15617">Rich and exuberant complexities</p>
<p id="id15618">Rigid and exact boundaries</p>
<p id="id15619">Rooted in immeasurable error and falsity</p>
<p id="id15620">Roused to tumultuous activity</p>
<p id="id15621">Rude and blind criticism</p>
<h4 id="id15622" style="margin-top: 2em">S</h4>
<p id="id15623">Sadly counterbalanced by numerous faults</p>
<p id="id15624">Said with epigrammatic point [epigrammatic = terse and witty]</p>
<p id="id15625">Salutary in the extreme</p>
<p id="id15626">Salutary tonic of a free current of public criticism</p>
<p id="id15627">Sanity and quietness of soul</p>
<p id="id15628">Scorned as an impracticable theory</p>
<p id="id15629">Scornful of petty calculations</p>
<p id="id15630">Screen themselves from punishment</p>
<p id="id15631">Scrupulous and chivalrous loyalty</p>
<p id="id15632">See with eagle glance through conventionalisms</p>
<p id="id15633">Seem to savor of paradox</p>
<p id="id15634">Seize the auspicious moment</p>
<p id="id15635">Self-centered anxiety and preoccupation</p>
<p id="id15636">Self-command born of varied intercourse</p>
<p id="id15637">Self-interest of the most compelling character</p>
<p id="id15638">Selfish and uselessly recondite [recondite = not easily understood]</p>
<p id="id15639">Selfishness pampered by abundance</p>
<p id="id15640">Senses of marvelous acuteness</p>
<p id="id15641">Sensible diminution of our comfort</p>
<p id="id15642">Sensitive and apprehensive temperament</p>
<p id="id15643">Sentimental wailings for the past</p>
<p id="id15644">Serve the innocent purposes of life</p>
<p id="id15645">Set down with meticulous care</p>
<p id="id15646">Shames us out of our nonsense</p>
<p id="id15647">Sharp outbursts of hatred and bitterness</p>
<p id="id15648">Sharp restrictions of duty and opportunity</p>
<p id="id15649">Sharply and definitely conceived</p>
<p id="id15650">She had lost her way in a labyrinth of conjecture</p>
<p id="id15651">She took refuge in a passionate exaggeration of her own insufficiency</p>
<p id="id15652">Sheer midsummer madness</p>
<p id="id15653">Silly displays of cheap animosity</p>
<p id="id15654">Simple and obvious to a plain understanding</p>
<p id="id15655">Sinister and fatal augury [augury = sign of something coming; omen]</p>
<p id="id15656">Skulking beneath a high-sounding benevolence</p>
<p id="id15657">Slack-minded skimming of newspapers</p>
<p id="id15658">Slavish doctrines of sectarianism</p>
<p id="id15659">Slow and resistless forces of conviction</p>
<p id="id15660">Smug respectability and self-content</p>
<p id="id15661">Snatch some advantage</p>
<p id="id15662">Socialized and exacting studies</p>
<p id="id15663">Some very undignified disclosures</p>
<p id="id15664">Something essentially inexpressible</p>
<p id="id15665">Something stifling and over-perfumed</p>
<p id="id15666">Spinning a network of falsehoods</p>
<p id="id15667">Spiritual and moral significance</p>
<p id="id15668">Staring in helpless bewilderment</p>
<p id="id15669">Stealthily escaping observation</p>
<p id="id15670">Stern determination to inflict summary justice</p>
<p id="id15671">Stigmatized as moral cowards</p>
<p id="id15672">Stimulated to profitable industry</p>
<p id="id15673">Stopped as if on the verge of profundities</p>
<p id="id15674">Strange frankness of cynical brutality</p>
<p id="id15675">Strange streak of melancholy</p>
<p id="id15676">Strangled by a snare of words</p>
<p id="id15677">Strenuous and conscientious endeavor</p>
<p id="id15678">Stretched out in dreary monotony</p>
<p id="id15679">Strict and unalloyed veracity</p>
<p id="id15680">Struck incessantly and remorselessly</p>
<p id="id15681">Stupendous and awe-inspiring spectacle</p>
<p id="id15682" style="margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%">Subject to the vicissitudes of fortune
[vicissitudes = sudden or unexpected changes]</p>
<p id="id15683">Subjected to the grossest cruelties</p>
<p id="id15684">Subordination to the common weal</p>
<p id="id15685">Subservient to the ends of religion</p>
<p id="id15686">Sudden and inexplicable changes of mood</p>
<p id="id15687">Suddenly and imperatively summoned</p>
<p id="id15688">Suddenly swelled to unprecedented magnitude</p>
<p id="id15689">Sufficient to repel vulgar curiosity</p>
<p id="id15690">Suggestive sagacity and penetration [sagacity = farsighted; wise]</p>
<p id="id15691">Suit the means to the end</p>
<p id="id15692">Sullen and widespread discontent</p>
<p id="id15693">Superior in strength and prowess</p>
<p id="id15694">Supported by a splendid fearlessness</p>
<p id="id15695">Supremely and undeniably great</p>
<p id="id15696">Susceptible to every impulse and stimulus</p>
<p id="id15697" style="margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%">Sustained dignity and mellifluous precision
[mellifluous = flowing with honey; smooth and sweet]</p>
<p id="id15698">Swamping every aspiration and ambition</p>
<p id="id15699">Swift and vehement outbursts of feeling</p>
<h4 id="id15700" style="margin-top: 2em">T</h4>
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